Talitha Gentry
Professional Showcase
Are you ready for your visual and auditory senses to be stimulated! You've reached an awesome part of my portfolio site that showcases my work in both my MAET and MAED degrees at Michigan State University!
The showcase features not only engaging research analysis and narratives, but also an opportunity to view creative work like infographics, screencasts, and even videos that highlight my work as a learner. These artifacts were chosen due to their significant influence on my experience not only as a learner, but because they were immediately translated into my professional practice.
The showcase is also divided based on the concentration area for the artifact, as each area had multiple components. Artifacts are presented in a way that engages any type of learner, and you may find appreciation in the variety in how the topic is explored!
So sit back...grab some popcorn...and of course get ready to learn more about how this higher education professional is positively impacting students and her colleagues!
Personalized Learning Exploration
Image Courtesy of www.ait..net
A Quantitative Analysis of First Year Undergraduate Students
Higher education systems exist to provide education to adult learners, so instructional and learning plans should focus on ensuring that a higher level of critical thinking, understanding, and awareness are occurring. The educator has a specific role to facilitate this process by providing quality instruction; however, their instruction must be structured in a manner to help the student to transcend traditional realms of thinking. By creating personalized learning environments in collegiate classrooms, the purpose of the educator and student manifests in a more productive manner. Take a look at this quantitative analysis of first year undergraduate students!
Wicked Problem Project: Implementing Personalized Learning
In CEP 812 I was able to collaborate with a group of peers in the course (famously deemed the "Think Tank") where we researched the impact of implementing Personalized Learning in our own professional settings. Our Think Tank decided to approach this assignment by evaluating how PL’s affect more than just one group: we chose to explore how they impact our specific student populations. As the only member who works in higher education I initially struggled in my evaluation of PL’s only because I was approaching the topic from an area that I had minimal expertise within. The group decided to look at primary, secondary, and college to ensure that we were creating a more broad analysis that assessed how PL’s could be wicked problems to implement!
An Infographic Analysis
Naturally one may assume that Personalized Learning environments must solely exist with loads of technology, but is this actually a necessity to incite learning? While many articles and research have focused on assessing these environments with technology there is also sufficient evidence that shows that Personalized Learning transcends beyond the concept. It is all about creating a learning environment that makes sense to the learner, hence the concept! Take a look at this infographic which highlights my research on this interesting area!
Utilizing Technology to Incite Learning
Exploring How We Can Support the Online Learning Transition
As educators and administrators we have a monumental responsibility to support the success of our students by creating a harmonious and engaging learning environment. But how can we make this transition smooth for adult learners? How do we support learners who are not as comfortable with online learning platforms? What resources, skills, and delivery methods can we use to ensure that each learner is supported regardless of their background? This infographic was created to explore those very questions, and helps us all to understand how we can all support the learning experience.
A Professional Development Online Workshop
I decided to integrate a hypothetical course module into an actual professional development workshop for my former employees! Not only was this experience enlightening, but it gave me a new perspective of the necessity of creating assignments and experiences that could be authentic to all types of learners. This online workshop not only gave participants an opportunity to engage, but the true purpose was to help each individual to feel more confident in their ability to navigate technology!
A Professional Development and Learning Opportunity
I am always looking for a unique method to integrate my knowledge in a class in my profession immediately, so I decided to create professional development series that highlighted exploring the TPACK Model in teaching. This brief screencast overviews not only what the TPACK framework is defined as, but also how it impacts learner and the instructor. Take a few moments and explore this insightful framework, as it could be extremely beneficial to helping you to become a more efficient educational leader!
Integrating Technology for Instructors
Leveraging Schoology to Build Classrooms
Some of our instructors who are not as comfortable with integrating technology wanted an easier resource to practice building their own online classrooms. Utilizing Schoology I was able to leverage an effective course module that had all of the components of our Blackboard system at Maryville University. This quick tutorial shows instructors how to add pages, integrate quizzes, and a host of other assignments to make adapting to online systems a breeze!
Starting with the Basics of Classroom Management
From first sight this may look like a basic classroom management plan, but it actually encompasses engaging the student and instructor by implementing technology (specifically Makey Makey kits) into the classroom! I used this sample assignment with an undergraduate class and it turned out to be a huge success, and we actually use this in several of our beginning undergraduate courses for education majors!
The Foundation to understand Adult Learners
Individual Assessment of the Impact of John Dewey's Philosophy on Education
While there are many notable individuals to include in the history of education, no person is as prominent as John Dewey. He was a true pioneer of education, and created much of the theoretical framework that educators still use to this day. The knowledge that I obtained about him throughout my degree is priceless, and I am still researching his philosophy and methods currently. I was compelled to discuss how his works varied from those of other theorists of his time, and why his philosophy continues help children to develop a long-term passion to learn. Never hear of him? Well, feel free to browse through my short analysis of his inquiry methods, but don't be afraid to research more about him as well!
New Student Orientation for Undergraduate and Graduate Students at Argosy University, Atlanta
As an advocate for proficiency and excellence I have always valued making the transition to college easy for new students. I created a presentation that not only engaged new students, but also gave them insight on how to navigate through the campus, and to be ready for the challenge of becoming a student again. Creating a better student experience is one of my core beliefs, so setting the best expectations always can ease the transition of going back to school. Feel free to browse through this awesome new presentation, and to get an idea of what new students at Argosy University can expect!
Individual Research Analysis Project
Who wouldn't want to know more about how socioeconomic status or established values can affect a student's success in a doctoral program?! This research project was conducted on the predominant group of students at Argosy University that I serve, and while the study is not a definitive theory, it does raise a bevy of questions about what educators can do to change the success rate of students in this program. There are so many unique and diverse issues that students in my area face, that I obtaining this degree was of the utmost importance!
The Development of purpose and Guidance
Individual Project and Research on the Impact of Technology on Today's Student
Let's face it, technology has virtually changed the landscape of education forever. Students and educators have been forced to implement the components of technology into virtually every facet, yet are we losing the intricacy of what learning really is? Most of my students take a hybrid conglomeration of courses, yet many struggle to integrate online and campus-based learning. Even I can admit that my knowledge base of utilizing technology with my students is limited, but how has this shift within society affected me as a person? Take a quick peek at the article by Nicholas Carr that asks "Is Google Making Us Stoopid," and then read my own narrative inquiry of how technology has impacted me. I began integrating a similar task for my students who struggle with adjusting to the rigors of online courses during their first course. This research definitely helped me to find a more engaging and proactive way to approach technology while also still respecting the traditional confines of learning.
Individual Project
Far too often we forsake the importance of listening to our own inner voice. There are times that we are also too afraid to discover what our own truths are because we have lived for others. Parker Palmer's book, "Let Your Life Speak," discusses the importance of finding one's purpose in life, and how that discovery can yield a new or refined course in life. Many of my own students struggle to understand why making a change in their education or career can translate into their lives, but how can you build purpose in a degree when you don't know why you're doing it in the first place? That's the beauty of discovering vocation: a person can look within to empower themselves and to develop a motivation that unweilding to challenge!You can also read more about how vocation affected prominent individuals like Steve Jobs, Dr. Danielle Ofri, and even Dr. Jeffrey Wigand in the essay link below, and hopefully find a connection to their experiences in life. Even famous people suffer from the same issues that plague regular people, and they too embraced change!
Individual Syllabus Creation Project
Who would've ever known creating a syllabus could be such a daunting project!?! Linda Nilson created a great resource for aspiring and current college instructors in, "Teaching At Its Best." Feel free to read a brief synopsis of her awesome recommendations.And of course if you would like to see how Nilson's suggestions can be implemented I have included a link to a syllabus that is actually in the process of being active at Argosy University. Some of our prior syllabi were outdated and focused on the adult learner...from over a decade ago! Things have definitely changed, so it was important that I gain a fresh perspective and create a syllabus that was engaging, informative, but also set the expectation for the future. Take a peek and learn more about the logistics of why syllabi are important for all adult learners and how it increases success!
How to Motivate The Adult Learner
Individual Presentation
An integral part of being an efficient counselor and advisor is to have the skills to understand the needs of the people that you serve. Understanding personal motivation and cognitive issues are critical to being successful, and to properly address issues that could plague a student from progressing. A large majority of my new and some existing students have significant motivation issues, so to build student retention and graduation rates it's important to have a deeper understanding of what can be done to counteract this unfortunate trait. Check out this unique presentation that can help any educator or counselor that needs a little insight on how to tackle common motivation issues!
Group Project (with Michael Bucata, Kevin Cataldo and Heather Turney)
Understanding intrinsic motivation is a major concern for educators, and it is an issue that never dissipates regardless of age, sex, or racial factors. This group project discusses the experiences of hypothetical student, Charlie and his motivations for his own behavior. Our group devised a specific plan of action to help him to achieve his own performance goal and how a specific rationale could help him for future aspirations. While the project is on a specific age, one must realize that motivation is a common problem with all students. It provides a simple plan to increase motivation while deterring behaviors that negate positive connotations. So, get motivated!!
Individual Case Study on Adult Learning
It's amazing how the human brain can affect a person's ability to learn, and it's even more interesting to learn how our environment can affect our will to learn. In this fictional case study I analyze the experience of a transitioning teacher within a classroom setting. The presentation will give you insight into the issues that her students face, along with how she can use certain theoretical approaches to improve interactions within the classroom setting. Check it out!