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Master's in Educational Technology

CEP 810 Teaching for Understanding with Technology

Michigan State University, A. Keller and B. Rimes, Spring 2015

This course was a unique foundation to understanding technology, and was more of a preliminary course to become familiar with web-based resources. It helped me to familiarize myself with using Google Sheets and Docs as the predominant method to complete work, but also helped me to discover applications to streamline my work so I was more efficient. Ultimately the course helped me to understand how technology could improve my productivity, and was the perfect segway to build my success.

CEP 820 Teaching Students Online

Michigan State University, A. Heintz and T. Beeker, Summer 2015

CEP 820 was a perfectly applicable course, as my professional experience has mostly involved supporting the online adult learner experience. While some concepts were aimed at supporting the K-12 learner, each activity also contained elements allowing students to construct and implement curricula changes at any academic level. Dr. Heintz and Beeker provided exemplary instruction, and always supported me in transforming the material to match my professional needs.

CEP 801 Psychological Development: Learner Differences and Commonalities

Michigan State University, K. Mix, Fall 2015

This course was a deviation from the MAET program; however, I find it of the utmost importance to evaluate the psychological aspects of how learning occurs throughout ones lifespan. Dr. Mix provided rich learning opportunities that allowed me to evaluate how a variety of influences (like family, values, etc.) can impact our experiences as learners, and how those experience can ultimately skew or benefit our learning abilities as adults.

CEP 816 Teaching and Learning Acrosss Curriculum

Michigan State University, P. Morsink and H. Nguyen, Fall 2015

While I had experience using technology with course modules in prior courses in my MAED courses, CEP 816 allowed me to create my first live course module where the technology aspects were solely created with my own work. Using Schoology I was able to create an online course module for an undergraduate education student. The course also allowed me to integrate various technology applications to appeal to any type of learner, thus creating a more authentic learning experience.

EAD 850 Multicultural Education

Michigan State University, R. Shahjahan, Spring 2016

I had yet to take a course that evaluated the multi-cultural aspects of education so I was delighted to take this course with Dr. Shajahan. The course gave me a more complex understanding of the nuances of diversity, and how critical my role is as a leader to advocate for the needs of all learners. I was also surprised at how my writing changed in this course, as the majority of the assignments required rich analysis and application to my current professional practice.

CEP 800 Learning School and Other Settings

Michigan State University, D. Campbell, C. Richardson, and C. Roseth, Summer 2016

I appreciated the framework of this course because of its analysis of learning from all perspectives. The course evaluated how we learn, but also how we use our learning in our environments. It enabled me to understand the importance of incorporating social aspects into my understanding of material, as I have always preferred to experience learning on my own. As a result I now understand the importance of group collaboration, and the benefits that it brings to strengthening an organization.

CEP 811 Adapting Innovative Technology to Education

Michigan State University,  J. Campell and M. White, Summer 2016

As with most courses this one was a struggle due to the concepts focusing mainly on K-12 classrooms. Despite the circumstances I was able to apply the knowledge to improving our higher education classrooms, and to develop training modules to support new teachers. Modules included introducing instructors to applying technology into their classrooms, and building comfort with using a variety of applications.

EAD 822 Approaches to Educational Research

Michigan State University, A. Saltarelli and P. Beymer, Fall 2016

Dr. Saltarelli's research course is by far the most compelling course that helped me to understand my academic potential. The course is a precursor to doctoral research, and the concepts facilitated my understanding of quantitative and qualitative research. I was able to conduct research on personalized learning enviornments, and had the opportunity to revise curriculum for new first-year students in my former position.

CEP 815 Technology and Leadership

Michigan State University, S. Greenhalgh and  A. Yadav, Spring 2017

This course truly surprised me in terms of the immediate application to professional practice. I was able to integrate technology in a manner that was relevant for my field, but it also helped me hone my project management and evaluation skills in terms of assessing the effectiveness of our advising and academic departments by creating professional development platforms.

CEP 812 Applying Educational Technology to Practice

​Michigan State University, R. Houtman, Summer 2017

I struggled in this course to apply many of the concepts into the higher education practice, primarily because the course was geared towards the K-12 setting. After working with Dr. Houtman I learned how to evaluate how technology could streamline some of the issues that were plaguing my department at the time. As a result we were able to adapt a more fluid course module system for new online students.

CEP 864 Career Counseling

​Michigan State University, J. Kosciulek, Summer 2017

This is probably one of the most relevant courses that I took in my MAET degree that immediately allowed me to apply the learning objectives to my former employees. As academic advisors my employees often struggled articulating the options with career development with their students. This course allowed me to share assessment and planning resources that my team could utilize immediately in their advising practices.

EAD 876 Budget/Finance in Higher Education

​Michigan State University, D. Kim, Spring 2018

Initially I dreaded taking this course as I am not fond of finance concepts; however, I was surprised to learn that this course evaluated finance from a more applicable standpoint. Finance aspects were limited to understanding the economical basis and challenges within higher education. I was able to understand more of how revenue is impacted by supply and demand, but also how universities leverage funding for overall operations.

CEP 807 Capstone Seminar

Michigan State University, M. Koehler, A. Gaunt, S. Keenan Lechel, S. Moudgalya, Fall 2018

My second time taking this course has been far more rewarding than the first! While I was indeed proud of my accomplishments with my MAED portfolio, my MAET portfolio more accurately showcases my journey with integrating technology into practice. Dr. Koehler has enhanced the curriculum as well, with many of the assignments allowing for more opportunities to collaborate with peers and to adapt technology into our work. The reflection analysis in ED 870 has been priceless!

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