Professional Development Workshop: Integrating Technology in the Classroom
Now that we have had a chance to read about the various principles and concepts of classroom management it is time to interactively see that knowledge in action! Unlike other videos that you normally see online, each video will have varying questions about the material as you watch. The focus is not to just watch the videos but to take time out to critically observe, listen, and understand the material.
Remember...you as a valued Instructor with AIU have creative freedom to make your classroom a representation of yourself, so don't be surprised if you have a different stance than your colleagues! Creativity and diversity is accepted in the classroom and is a guiding principle of our university!
Take some time and answer the questions in this "Discipline for Dummies" video on Classroom Management. As you're viewing the video take note of the teachers body language, linguistics, and general demeanor beyond what he is saying. Would you take the steps he taking to be an effective teacher? Is he really leading his classroom, or is he simply giving teachers a "no-nonsense" approach to classroom management? Be honest in your answers!
This video is a clear demonstration of what not to do in the classroom. Please take some time to answer the questions at each marker just as you did in the video above, but take notes on the specific behaviors that he is demonstrating within the classroom. Did you notice specific inflections in tone and pitch? Or did you take more time noticing how he lacked control of his classroom? Also, take time to notice the reactions from his students. Did they exhibit fear or were they in shock at his lack of professional behavior?